Monday, August 22, 2011

My First Time

Well this is a first time for me.  I have never blogged before, and do not know if I will like it or not.  So do you blog about what you are feeling, what is on your mind, a question, or just how your day has been?  Hmm, I don't know.  I suppose I will start with this..My life has changed so much over the last year that it blows my mind.  I have got engaged, got married, have grandchildren on the way, and quit being a working woman.  WOW..alot of changes.. yes but the most amazing thing is I have become a much better christian.  I can really  feel God move in my life, A great friend said to me a little over a year ago.."He lives in you"...such a short sentance.  That short sentance has been on my heart and mind since the day she said it.  How is it possible that someone can say something so simple, but leave such an impact?  Which brings me to how what we say and how we live our lives,  does make changes in others lives...I have another friend, who has been my "partner in crime" for aprox. 8 years now, She is the one responsible for bringing me to God!!  She did it, not by taking me by my hand and leading me to Him, but by seeing her life change as she found her way.  I was so amazed at how she changed, how things that used to make her so angry did not hurt her any more, how she treated people changed, to even her looks changed.  It was so  impressive I wanted to know what she had found to make her life so much happier!   So I started asking questions, trying to find a church, , reading passages in the Bible.  So slowly things in my life just seemed to become easier.  The things some of my friends were doing and I had done for years just did not seem fun to me any more.  The clothing that I thought was  the bomb, just felt uncomfortable and too daring for me to be seen in.  The things I watched on tv started to make me sick to my stomache. I had become a happy believer in God!!  I wanted to live my life better..trying to make Him happy, which in turn made me happy!! My God what a wonderful life you have given me!

So that is just a little bit of my story..